RTA library

About our library

The Academy’s Library is a vital contributor to the academic experience. Its collection holds books, journals, conference proceedings, electronic resources and other materials. All students have free access to domestic and international scientific databases. Interlibrary loan is also available.

The main task of the Library is to provide bibliographic and informative services to students and academic staff of the Academy. The collection of the Library comprised 55 712 items of information.

RTA Library is a member of the Association of Latvian Academic Libraries.


Please apply for thematic requests in advance by contacting the library biblioteka@rta.lv

To return books, you can also place them into the return box located at the entrance of the Reading Room.

Address: Atbrīvošanas aleja 115, k-4, Rēzekne, LV-4601
E-mail: biblioteka@rta.lv
Phone: 29441103

The Library is accessible for people with disabilities.

RTA electronic catalogue


Log in via the Document Management System (DVS) using the e-mail provided by the Academy.
Ask about access to work in remotely subscribed databases by writing to biblioteka@rta.lv

Multidisciplinary database consisting of several databases.


Elsevier’s leading information solution for researchers, teachers, students, health care professionals and information professionals. ScienceDirect provides full-text scientific, technical and health publications.


Abstract and citation database. Scopus delivers information in the fields of science, technology, medicine, social sciences and humanities and social sciences.

Web of Science

Web of Science provides bibliographic and citation information in the sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities. Journal Citation Reports provides information about academic journals in the sciences and social sciences, including impact factors.

Latvian Standard Library

The collection of the standards library includes documents in electronic format - valid and revoked. The standards are supplemented with new versions, amendments and corrections, as well as with pre-publications.

LNB Digital collections
Rezekne Academy of Technology has access to the full portal of the Latvian National Digital Library periodika.lv and gramatas.lndb.lv content.

E-journal on taxes, accounting and financial management, which provides up-to-date information on changes in regulatory enactments, as well as practical explanations of their application. Analytical articles in Accounting, Taxation, Employees, Management, Case Law, Self-Employed.


E-journal on the practical application of legal acts, the latest changes in regulatory enactments, explanations in the application of regulatory enactments. Analytical articles under Legislation, Business, Labor Law, Law of Obligations, Litigation.


Publications on current issues in the fields of management, marketing, personnel, technology, finance and taxation.


Specialized portal for accountants, financial professionals, entrepreneurs and personnel managers. The most up-to-date information in accounting, taxes, legislation.

RTA Library services include:
  • borrowing of Library materials - information resources;
  • request and extension of loans of borrowed information resources;
  • inter-library loan service - materials, which are not held in the collection of RTA Library, can be requested via inter-library loan;
  • use of the Reading Room and two Silent Reading Rooms;
  • computer workstations and the WiFi;
  • use of the online catalogue http://biblio.rta.lv/Alise/en/home.aspx ;
  • use of subscribed e-resources;
  • training - RTA library offers individual consultations and group lessons on library services, resources, information search in the Library e-catalogue and databases;
  • paid services: print-outs.