Its aim is to take care of the well-being of every RTA student during their studies, to defend the rights and interests of students at the university, to get involved in academic decision-making, to represent the university both in Latvia and abroad, and to make students' everyday life more interesting through entertaining and informative events.

RTA SP works closely with the Latvian Students' Association (LSA), representing RTA at LSA Council meetings and congresses and proposing issues for consideration at the RTA Senate and RTA Council meetings.


Participation in the RTA Student Council provides a wide range of opportunities: to gain experience in organising events and exhibitions and to gain in-depth knowledge about the administration of higher education, which will be useful later in life. Being involved in the Student Council also helps to develop communication and time management skills, it is a great opportunity to work in a team, make new friends with whom you can implement your ideas for events and projects, improve your skills, solve problems and directly influence your study life.

Student Council members in the Faculty of Engineering building have access to the Student Council room, which is modernly equipped. It is the place where the work of the SC takes place - council meetings, brainstorming sessions, meetings, as well as preparations for events. It is a place where ideas and plans are generated in an informal atmosphere.

The Student Council is voluntary and every RTA student is encouraged to participate in its activities.


If you want to make a difference, come and get involved!

Any student of Rezekne Academy of Technologies can become a member of the Student Council including all international students. Being a member of the council also means taking responsibility and gaining voting rights, the student must be able to show his/her strengths and convince other candidates that he/she should be supported and elected to the council.

This process can be divided into 2 stages:

  • Getting on the Faculty Council;
  • Getting elected to the Council to ensure representation of the Faculty.

At the beginning of each academic year, new members are admitted to the Faculty Self-Government. Students who are active and want to be involved in shaping students' life outside their studies and in decision-making are invited to join the faculty self-governments - meetings with new students are organised. At these meetings, in an informal setting, members of the previous year's student council and the management introduce students to their responsibilities, opportunities and positions. During the first official meeting, elections are organised, during which 9 members of the Faculty Self-Government are elected. Members have the opportunity to stand for a position and to be elected as voting member of the council. Out of the 9 members of the self-administration, 7 voting members are elected and become members of the Supervisory Board.

The Student Council is composed of 21 members and activists who were not elected as voting members, but are willing to be active and demonstrate their abilities and skills. Each of the members is also invited to stand for a position(s) on the council. The positions to be elected are Head of Council, Deputy Head of Council, Head of Public Relations, Head of Culture, Head of International, Head of Academic, and Protocol Officer.

The Council shall continue to function as elected throughout the academic year. In exceptional cases, extraordinary elections may also be organised (one of the office-holders or members of the Council submits a written request to resign, etc.). In such cases, it is possible to become a member of the Board during the current academic year.


Throughout the academic year, RTA SC organises various events.
Information about events is included in RTA social networks.
Instagram: @rta_sp, @rezeknestehnologijuakademija
Facebook: @Rezeknes.Tehnologiju.akademija
TikTok: @rezeknestehnologijuak

Rezekne Academy of Technologies
President of the Student Council
Matīss Silinieks

Chairman of the Student Council of the Faculty of Engineering

Student of the bachelor study programme "Mechatronics" of professional higher education

E-pasts: +371 22002058

Deputy Head of the Student Council
Raitis Daniels Zvīdriņš

A student of the professional higher education bachelor's study program "Law".


Council member
Dina Soma

Chairwoman of the Student Council of the Faculty of Economics and Management

Student of the bachelor study program "Economics (financial and accounting management)" of professional higher education


Council member
Daira Aleksandroviča

Chairwoman of the Student Council of the Faculty of Education, Languages and Design

Head of Public Relations of the Student Council

Student of the "Interior Design" bachelor study program of professional higher education


Council member
Katrīna Grietiņa

Head of the Cultural Direction of the Student Council

Student of the professional higher education bachelor's study program "Entrepreneurship (marketing sector manager)".


Council member
Jeļena Līksniņa

Head of the Economics Department of the Student Council

Student of the bachelor study program "Economics (financial and accounting management)" of professional higher education


Council member
Sandis Proms

Head of the academic direction of the Student Council

Student of the professional higher education master's study program "Management Science".


Council member
Kristaps Bulavskis

Head of the International Direction of the Student Council

A student of the professional higher education bachelor's study program "Programming engineer".
