Development of Functional Surfaces for Space Applications using Industrial Short Impulse Laser (DFS-SAIL)

Projekta numurs: 4000145163/24/NL/MH/mp

Projekta vadītājs/koordinators: Antons Pacejs (RTA)

Projekta mērķis: The proposal aims to explore the potential of laser surface textured materials for cooling systems in space missions.

Projekta anotācija un galvenie uzdevumi: This project, titled "Development of Functional Surfaces for Space Applications using Industrial Short Impulse Laser (DFS-SAIL)," is executed under ESA Contract No. 4000145163/24/NL/MH/mp in collaboration with Rezekne Academy of Technologies (prime) and Allatherm SIA (subcontractor). The objective of the project is to advance the development of innovative surface technologies with tailored properties. This project is supported by a firm-fixed price contract, with specific milestones for planned deliverables. The collaboration involves the implementation of stringent management, reporting, and deliverable standards to ensure the successful execution of the project within the agreed timeframe and budget.

Projekta rezultāti: The project results or deliverables includes various milestones (MS) tied to reviews and assessments in the laser texturing and functionalization tests project. Starting with MS1, the project cover the Requirements Review (D0.1) and Concept Review (D1.1), detailing technical specifications, design reports, and selected parameter sets for laser texturing. The Preliminary Design Review (D1.2) focuses on the laser processing of SS316L samples. Test Readiness Reviews (TRR) for boiling heat transfer (D2.1), temperature distribution (D2.2), surface-fluid-gas interaction (D2.3), and wettability tests (D2.4) encompass methodologies, experimental setups, and results. Surface characterization before (D3.1) and after (D3.2) tests are reviewed, using techniques like SEM, EDS, and Raman spectroscopy. Additionally, documents D4.1 and D4.2 assess the surface durability pre- and post-experiment via tests such as Scratch and dynamic polarization. The Test Review Board (TRB) documents (D5.1 and D5.2) evaluate the impact of laser-textured surfaces on two-phase cooling systems and thermal engineering products, leading to scientific publications. The series concludes with Technical Data Package (TDP), Final Report (FR), Contract Closure Documentation (CCD), and Final Presentation (FP), as outlined in the draft contract.

Partneri: Rezekne Academy of Technologies (prime), Allatherm SIA (subcontractor)

Projekta kopējais finansējums: 99050 Eur (RTA 80000 Eur)

Projekta finansējuma avots: European Space Agency Requesting Party Activities (RPA) Type A

RTA personāls, ka ir iesaistīts projektā: Antons Pacejs, projekta vadītājs

Lyubomirs Lazovs, galvenais izpildītājs

Andris Martinovs, galvenais izpildītājs

Emil Yankov, galvenais izpildītājs

Imants Adijāns, galvenais izpildītājs

Edmunds Teirumnieks, galvenais izpildītājs

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